Grade 6 Moodle Instruction and Homework.
This assignment is for both Grade 6 B & G
This week we are starting a new course and it is Soccer!
For the next two weeks starting from September 19-28 September we will be learning the basic foot skills.
Moodle Class Assignment for grades 6 B & G.
You are to watch the youtube video on Sick Soccer Moves
You are to practice the following foot skills make a short video of you doing all skills in SKILL ONE & TWO put it on a glogster, name it My Soccer Skills and send it to me by Friday September 23 2011 by 12 noon

Make your videos short even thought they will bae a couple it is easier to upload short files)
Ball Gymnastics – Stationary: Roll ball with the bottom of the foot frontwards, backwards, right then left sideways, then in a circular motion using the left then right foot. Start slowly then increase in speed.
On Toes – Tick-tock: Pass the ball from the inside of the left foot to the right
Hat Dance: Lightly touch the ball with the bottom of the right foot then the left. Ball should remain still. Increase speed for both.
Movement – Tick – tock: but move ball slightly forwards each touch. Take it for the length/width of the playing area that you have, then turn and return, same with Hat Dance.
ll this should take 30-40 mins you can have a water break as and when you feel like, have a cool reusable water bottle nearby.
Arrange cones, or flower pots, or a couple of things in a zig-zag manner in your garden.
· Start from one end of the cones doing the first of the ball gymnastics exercises.
· Roll the ball with the bottom of your right foot front frontwards, backwards, right then left sideways, then in a circular motion using the left then right foot.
· Then move to the next cone with the ball till you reach the end then return.
· Start slowly then increase in speed.
· Continue doing this with tick-tock.
· Continue doing this with Hat Dance.
All this should take 30-45 min.
inally I want you to try and do some moves of your own but also kick the ball with the other foot from the side and back as in the last move on the video.. Have fun.

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