hese are the speed drills that we will practice this week in class Drills should be conducted wearing trainers and not spikes. In all the drills, the coach/athlete should ensure a tall and relaxed posture with a correct range of movement of the arms. Check for - Eyes focused at the end of the lane - tunnel vision
- Head in line with the spine - held high and square
- Face relaxed - jelly jaw - no tension - mouth relaxed
- Chin down, not out
- Shoulders down (long neck) relaxed and square in the lane at all times
- Back straight (not hunched)
- Abdominals braced (not tummy pulled in)
- Smooth forward backward action of the arms - not across the body - drive back with elbows - brush vest with elbows - hands move from shoulder height to hips for men and from bust height to hips for the ladies
- Elbows held at 90 degrees at all times (angle between upper arm and lower arm)
- Hands relaxed - fingers loosely curled - thumb uppermost
- Hips remain stable during execution of drills
Walking on Toes - Aims - develop balance and strengthen the lower leg muscles (reduce shin splints)
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - walking on the balls of the feet - free leg to be lifted so that the thigh is parallel with the ground, lower leg vertical and the toes dorsi flexed (this end position can be held for a second or two to develop balance and a feel of the free leg position)
Walking on Heels - Aims - develop balance and strengthen the lower leg muscles (reduce shin splints)
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - walking on the heels of the feet - free leg to be lifted so that the thigh is parallel with the ground, lower leg vertical and the toes dorsi flexed (this end position can be held for a second or two to develop balance and a feel of the free leg position)
Sprint Arm Action - Aims - develop shoulder muscle power and endurance
- Amount - 10 to 20 seconds
- Action - assume the lunge position, brace abdominals, maintain a straight back, fast sprint arm action
Leg Cycling - Aims - develop correct leg sprint action and strengthen hamstring muscles
- Amount - 10 to 20 seconds on each leg
- Action - stand next to a wall or rail that you can hold to maintain balance, stand tall, brace the abdominals, stand on the leg nearest the wall, lift the thigh of the other leg so it is parallel with the ground, the lower leg vertical and toes dorsiflexed, sweep the leg down and under your body, pull the heel up into the buttocks, cycle the leg though to the front, pull toes up, bring upper thigh through to be parallel with the ground, extend the lower leg and commence the next cycle
Leg drives - Aims - develop hip flexor strength and speed
- Amount - 10 to 20 seconds for each leg
- Action - stand facing a wall with your hands on the wall at chest height, position your feet so that the body is straight and at 45 degrees to the wall, keep you neck in line with your spine (head up), bring one leg up so the thigh is parallel with the ground, lower leg vertical and toes dorsiflexed (starting position), drive the foot down towards the ground, as the toes make contact with the ground, quickly pull the foot up and return the leg to its starting position
Butt Kicks - Aims - develop correct leg sprint action in the mid section following the drive off the rear leg
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - fast leg movement on the balls of the feet - drive the knee up and bring the heel to the underside of the backside and the thigh parallel with the ground
Skips - Aims - to develop correct leg and foot action in preparation for the foot strike
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - skipping on the balls of the feet - free leg to be lifted so that the thigh is parallel with the ground, lower leg vertical and the toes dorsi flexed
Side strides crossover - Aims - to increase flexibility and range of hip movement
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - steady jog sideways on the balls of the feet - right leg across the front of left leg, left leg across the back of the right leg, right leg across the back of the left leg, left leg across the front of right leg and repeat this sequence.
Skip and clap - Aims - to increase flexibility and range of horizontal leg movement
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - skip on the balls of the feet - bring the whole leg up so it is horizontal with the ground, toes dorsi flexed and at the same time clap the hands together under the leg. The arms then come back up to the side to form a crucifix.
Skip Claw - Aims - to develop the claw action of the leading leg
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - skip on the balls of the feet - bring the whole leg up so it is horizontal with the ground, toes dorsi flexed and then pull the lower leg down so that the ball of the foot claws the ground pulling you forward
Skip for height - Aims - to develop rear leg drive
- Amount - two repetitions over 20 to 30 metres
- Action - skipping on the balls of the feet - emphasis is on the rear leg drive and drive back of the elbow - free leg to be lifted so that the thigh is parallel with the ground, lower leg vertical and the toes dorsi flexed
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